At Luck’s Yard we are focused on helping individuals to move better and without pain, gain flexibility and be able to exercise without pain or discomfort.

The chiropractors, our podiatrist, our physiotherapist and massage therapist team work with their hands to improve mobility of the spinal joints, legs and arms, as well as the whole body.

Our nutritional therapist works to improve movement of the digestive system and much, much more.

Our cognitive hypnotherapist and our family psychotherapist helps you to unlock old thought and belief patterns and feel freer in your minds.

Our acupuncturist helps you shift the ‘chi’ energy and get the meridians to move, helping your mind, physiology and body more better too.

Stasis is when something is blocked. In complementary and integrated healthcare we aim to facilitate mobility and movement in many ways for individuals, to help the body function better.

We encourage our patients to keep moving and take up some form of exercise or daily movement to keep the mind and body engaged.

Fiona our nutritional therapist explains her  favourite way to keep fit:

For me fitness is a mix of strength and cardio – I enjoy yoga and weights to maintain my bone mass and to increase my muscle mass so I can lift heavy items (or my dog!) without injury risk. I also run a couple of times each week to help keep my heart in good shape.

Chiropractor Mariana enjoys resistance training and she joins a weekly class – this is a great idea to get fit with other people to help motivate and encourage you as well as the social benefits. She also loves to walk.

Chiropractor Laura says: I always have patients ask me about what exercise/fitness is best for their condition. And most the time I just say anything you enjoy doing is a good start!  There is no point me giving you exercises suited for the gym if you don’t like the gym …. but we can discuss what you think you may like to do and help you start an exercise programme based on that. We believe the mantra that ‘movement is medicine’ and has many benefits beyond just keeping fit.

Have a look at our website to find out more, or call our friendly front desk team to book an appointment on 01483-527945.

photo: Jill Wellington