Continuing on from our Active Aging article we published at the end of last year (, we thought it would be fun to share the reflections and ideas of some of our patients this year, who are over 60 – our Luck’s Yard Heroes.

They inspire us each week in the clinic with their wit and life philosophy as well as telling us how they look after themselves and their health.

We would like to share their life philosophy with you all and if you would like to share your ideas we would love to hear from you.

Tone has nominated Mary Parker who has been a patient for several years. She says: “I have nominated Mary as she is such a positive person who is resilient and keeps her feet firmly on the ground. Each time we meet we have deep conversations about life and she inspires me with her life philosophy”.

1)      What makes you laugh or smile?  A summer’s day, budding plants, a baby’s chuckles

2)      What inspires you in life?  Mostly that of others

3)      If you ever wake up feeling low, what do you do to revive your sparkle? Do a practical task and hope it is fulfilling!

4)      What is your secret health- recipeHaven’t got one.  I’m luck to be healthy, live simply and in the country.

5) How do you relax?  Crosswords, reading, watching my garden grow, sharing my little space with others.

6)      What is your favourite book?  I read anything and everything. I prefer biography.

7)      What is your best quote? No idea! Probably ‘the peace of God that passes all understanding’ 

8)      What would you do all over again? Given the energy – nurture a family.

9)      What do you think has helped you to be fit and healthy today? Looking forward.

10)   What advice would you have told your younger self? Do the best you can with what you’ve got.

Here are some of the articles we have written this year on active and healthy aging, super ager syndrome and the Luck’s Yard Heroes.