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Lucks Yard Clinic

The chiropractic clinic that helps you keep going …

The chiropractic clinic
that helps you keep going …

Might you be at risk of developing diabetes?

Could you be prediabetic and not know? Has your weight been creeping up on you over the years and is proving difficult to shift – despite your best efforts? Or maybe your energy levels are on the floor? It’s easy to push to the back of your mind. Surely, your food and lifestyle choices and [...]

Is it possible to eat healthily on a budget?

Nutritional Therapist, Fiona Hayers has some great ideas to help you continue to eat healthily while saving on food costs: Food prices continue to rise and it is now harder to provide filling meals whilst keeping to a budget. The sad fact is that despite supermarket food costs rising exponentially, the same is not true [...]

Understanding repetitive/negative thoughts.

Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Laurie Harvey explains what's going on when we have negative thoughts: According to the laboratory of Neuro-Imaging at the University of California, the average person has 48.6 thoughts per minute which adds up to 70,000 per day. Our mind is an amazing 'thought factory' that generates creative ideas and inspiration that has enabled [...]

Just one thing

We have been listening to an interesting podcast by Michael Mosley called Just one thing.  Each episode lasts 15 minutes and Michael discusses one action that we can take to improve our health – with some surprising ideas and interesting results.  He invites a guest to have a go at adopting his ‘one thing’ and [...]

How we deal with stress at Luck’s Yard

As April is Stress Awareness month we decided it would be interesting to ask our team of therapists and admin staff what they do to help with their stress levels when it all gets a bit too much. We have a wide variety of little ‘life hacks’ to help in times of need. Read on [...]

Eat healthy for stress support

When we are  stressed we often reach for a sugary snack to give us that comforting boost when we feel low and which feeds our reward sensors in the brain. Unfortunately that feeling is short lived and before we know it, we're grabbing for another 'hit' of sugar. However it is much healthier to choose [...]

Understanding emotional eating

We all want to be healthy and what we eat is key to that so when eating feels out of our control it can cause us a great deal of distress. Our emotions have a huge impact on our unconscious behaviour and can undermine our intentions to eat more healthily. Cognitive neuroscientists believe that 95% [...]

Advanced physiotherapy with Jecy

We are so pleased that Jecy has now started her clinic at Luck's Yard on Mondays. She is an extremely experienced Advanced Physiotherapist who specialises in different areas of physiotherapy. Click on this link to hear Jecy talking about her treatments: Please click on the links in our Services and Treatments menu to read [...]

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