Chiropractic is a connecting profession: it connects people to themselves – understanding how their body and mind works together for optimum health – which in turn will help them to connect with the world better.

We would encourage practising balance and alignment as a daily practice for everyone.

Here are some things you can think about to help achieve this:

Do you stand evenly on both feet?

  • Try shifting from one foot to the other, and onto toes and heels (hold onto the back of a chair if you’re not sure how well you balance) and then back to standing on both feet and being mindful about where your weight is.  Is it evenly distributed?

Do you sit evenly on your sitting bones?

  • wriggle around on your bottom and practice sitting ‘squarely’ on your chair.  So often we cross out legs which will automatically shift the balance of your sit bones.

Do you hold your spine upright when you sit?

  • How easy is it to slouch when on the computer or watching TV? Or walking along the street, looking down rather than ahead?

Do you remember your head is at the end of your neck?

  • Think about how heavy your head is!

There’s so much to think about, but practice becomes automatic.

We are here to help you find your balance.

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