After the summer holidays we often have an influx of patients who are experiencing problems with their legs.  During the warmer weather, we are more inclined to walk especially in different places eg hiking in the countryside, walking on sandy or pebbly beaches or around cities.

While it is so positive to see many people getting out and about and making new health commitments to themselves and their fitness, they may be using muscles, tendons and ligaments that are not usually under that kind of stress.

Patients may present with new leg, hip and back complaints so we thought it timely to share with you how the Chiropractic and Podiatry teams treat and assess these complaints at the Luck’s Yard Clinic.

The Chiropractic assessment 

The first thing we do is to enquire when the symptoms started and how it occurred. Did it happen suddenly, was there an injury or did it happen over a period of time? How far did they walk, and what footwear did they use. Did they stretch and warm up before and after?

We then assess the patient

When the patient stands up, we look at the balance of each leg and foot as well as the position of the heel, ankle and the arches of the feet.

We also look at the alignment of the legs and hips, and if one leg is positioned more forward than the other, or if there is a pelvic tilt or leg length difference.

After this we do our mechanical assessment of the individual joints and look at how all the joints of the foot, ankle, heel, arches and the knee and hip move.

This can help us assess if this is a purely mechanical imbalance or if the patient needs more structural help from the Podiatry team.

If it is mainly a mechanical imbalance, we proceed with mobilisation and adjustment techniques to improve joint mobility and function.

We also address the muscle balance of the feet, legs and hips with soft tissue techniques such as massage, trigger point therapy and stretching.

Luck’s Yard Clinic App

We have a dedicated FREE clinic app with stretches and exercises for the whole body. One section is for the legs and we have both exercises for the feet, hips and the legs.

After being assessed, examined and treated we generally prescribe exercises for our patients which include whole-body exercises that can easily be incorporated into daily life.

This has proved beneficial for so many and as the app can be downloaded to phone or tablet so can be accessed wherever you are.

Search for ‘lucksyardclinic’ from your app store

Which therapist should I see?

We have an experienced manual therapy team of chiropractors, physiotherapy, massage and sports therapy and acupuncture including dry needling. All are able to help with hip and leg problems.

If you or a family member/friend have not been to Luck’s Yard Clinic before for chiropractic, you can book in for a FREE 15 minute assessment with a chiropractor who will advise on the best course of treatment for you.

You can book online or via our Reception team on 01483 527945.

What happens if a patient is sent to Yvette Mann Podiatry team for a mechanical assessment:

One of our very competent podiatrists will spend 30 minutes carrying out a mini biomechanical assessment determining how your complaints may be caused by the way you are walking. This will involve looking at past history, sporting history and assessing general lower limb mechanics non-weight bearing and weight bearing.

This assessment will help to decide whether insoles or custom-made orthotics will help.

Off the shelf insoles can then be ordered and altered as deemed necessary or a full biomechanical assessment may be needed which includes a casting of your feet so a bespoke orthotic can be made.

If needed, suitable supports in the shoes as well as stretches and footwear advice will compliment any treatment that you may be receiving at Luck’s Yard to either remedy or reduce your particular complaints.

We look forward to seeing you.

For bookings please ring 01483 310298 or for further information please email

photo: Ketut Subiyanto