In this interactive presentation (links below) Tone Tellefsen Hughes is discussing the benefits of being in nature.  This presentation is aimed at teens but is relevant for anyone regardless of age.

Tone is a chiropractor and the co-founder of the charity Green Hub Project, and she is passionate about inspiring anyone at any age to get more nature into their lives.

She shares some of the key scientific findings of how nature can influence our wellbeing and emotions and also our motivation. She also discusses the scientific benefits of volunteering in our communities and this can benefit ourselves too.

The presentation encourages the listener to download the app ‘1000 hours outside’ to see if they can accrue 1000 outside hours in nature during one year. She also encourages the listener to share this presentation with the hashtag #1000hoursoutside, to see if we can inspire as many of our friends to do the same and create a positive social revolution with more people getting out into nature.’

Click on this link:

The web link is: