Bouncing on trampolines is not just for kids! Research carried out by NASA shows that adults can really benefit from the health gains associated with doing exercises on a rebounder (mini trampoline).

How does rebounding work?

Back in the 1980s NASA was researching ways to help astronauts recover and regain bone and muscle mass after being in space.

Their findings concluded that rebounding was a more effective way of reversing damage to bone and muscle mass than running on a treadmill as well as being protective of lower limbs.

Common injuries seen when running include foot, shin and knee problems due to the force of the limb hitting the surface. The scientists found that on a rebounder the shock is absorbed equally over the entire body resulting in an activity that exercises the whole body without excess pressure on legs and feet.

What happens when you bounce on a rebounder?

  • It’s all down to the G-force which means the body has to respond to an acceleration action as you bounce up and a decleration action when you come back down. As your body impacts on the rebounder all sorts of great things happen!
  • The increased G-force stimulates the lymph system encouraging lymph drainage which boosts immune function.
  • There are big benefits to the skeletal system helping to increase bone mass – so rebounding is a good exercise for those with osteoporosis.
  • Safe for the joints without the impact of exercising on hard surfaces.
  • Helps circulate oxygen throughout the body to increase energy at a cellular level
  • Improves muscle tone while protecting the ankles and knees
  • Can help to improve balance


How to start rebounding

It’s a good idea to know the correct way to start your rebounding exercises. Tone has made a video explaining and demonstrating how to start off. Click on this link to watch:

Start by bouncing on your rebounder up to 15 minutes a day – either in one go or in 5 minute intervals depending on your fitness level.

Wear comfortable clothing and trainers and ensure your rebounder is on a safe, level surface.

As you gain more confidence you can increase the height of the bounce.